What's So Steamin' About Hydrosols?

Hydrosols, also called floral waters or herbal distillates, are aromatic water products obtained during steam distillation of plants. They contain water-soluble compounds and therapeutic properties from the plant material.

Hydrosol Production: Hydrosols are created using steam distillation, a process where steam is circulated through plant material to extract essential oils. After condensation, the essential oil separates from the water, leaving behind the hydrosol.

Aromatic Characteristics: Hydrosols possess a softer scent in comparison to their respective essential oils. They retain the plant's scent and therapeutic benefits but in a more delicate and understated manner.

Uses: Hydrosols have various applications. They can be used in skincare and beauty products, as a facial mist, toner, or as an ingredient in lotions and creams. Additionally, they can be used as a room or linen spray, in aromatherapy, or even added to beverages for flavor.

Skin Benefits: Many hydrosols are known for their skin-friendly properties. They can be soothing, hydrating, and have mild astringent qualities. Common examples include rose hydrosol, chamomile hydrosol, and lavender hydrosol.

Natural and Gentle: Hydrosols are widely regarded as safe and mild, making them appropriate for various uses. They are commonly chosen as a milder option to essential oils, particularly when a less potent form of the plant's essence is preferred.

Our hydrosols come in 120ml amber bottles to shield the product from light and maintain its aromatic qualities.

It's important to note that the quality of hydrosols can vary, and it's recommended to choose products that are produced using proper distillation methods and from reputable sources. Our selection is carefully selected and curated by our in-house certified Aromatherapist.