Work Your Light Oracle Cards
Work Your Light Oracle Cards
This beautiful 44-card oracle deck was created by Rebecca Campbell and Danielle Noel. Rebecca is a mystic, writer, devotional creative, and visionary who has transformed hundreds of thousands of people’s lives by teaching them how to weave the sacred back into their everyday life.
By working with its five suits and connecting you with your intuition, you can start living a purpose-driven life in alignment with who you truly are.
– Confirmation cards give a quick hit of instant guidance.
– Inquiry cards help you tune in to the whispers of your soul.
– Action cards guide you on what action to take.
– Activation cards invoke healing within you.
– Transmission cards connect you with supportive energies.
The accompanying oracle card guidebook explains how to use the Work Your Light Oracle to deepen your relationship with your soul and the Source of all things.